Request for topics to the research groups
- After the start of the Master's course and knowing the number of students enrolled in each specialisation, the Academic Coordinator will ask the specialisation coordinators for a number of Master's Thesis topics at least equal to twice the number of students enrolled in each specialisation, who will send the request to the research groups and lecturers of each specialisation. Document to propose a TFM topic
- The list of topics and tutors will be compiled by the Degree Committee, which will approve and publish it within twenty school days after the closing date for enrolment in the first four-month period. List of topics proposed in the current course
Assignment of topics to students - Ordinary procedure
- The Academic Coordinator will send the list of Master's Thesis topics and tutors to the students so that they can make a prioritised choice of at least 2 subjects from the list. Document to request a TFM topic
- The students' prioritised choices will be ordered, and each student will be assigned the subject that has the highest priority in their application.
- In case that several students apply for the same topic, the tutor will be consulted to see if he/she can split the topic so that it can be done by the students who apply for it.
- In case that a topic cannot be divided, it will be assigned to the student with the best academic record of the degree with which he/she has entered the Master's Degree.
- In the case of students with qualifications obtained in other countries, the equivalent average mark calculated with the tool provided by the Ministry of Education for foreign graduates will be used. This equivalent average mark must be provided in the application for admission to the Master's Degree.
- Students who are not assigned a topic because they do not have the highest grade will be assigned the second subject on their list of priorities. In the event of conflict with the topic chosen by other students, the procedure will be similar (consult the tutor about the possible division of the work, and assign the student with the highest mark on the transcript if it cannot be divided).
- Once the assignments have been resolved by this ordinary procedure, the Academic Committee will approve the list of assignment of topics and tutors, and it will be published on the Virtual Campus.
Assignment of topics to students - Extraordinary procedure
- In the case that a student has not been assigned a topic from his/her priority list, he/she will be asked to make a new request, within the period of time indicated by the Academic Coordinator, taking into account the topics that have not been assigned.
- At the end of the extraordinary period, the Academic Coordinator will communicate the topics chosen by the students to the Academic Committee, who will have to approve the list of assignment of topics and tutors.
- Once it has been approved, the list of topics and tutors will be published on the Virtual Campus.
- In the case that a student does not find topics of interest in the list provided, or is not interested in any of the topics that have not been chosen in the ordinary procedure, it will be the student's responsibility to find the topic and tutor for the Master's Thesis.
- Once the student has found a topic and tutor of interest, he/she will inform the Academic Committee, who will have to give the go-ahead. Documento para proponer tema de TFM por el procedimiento extraordinario
- Once it has been approved, it will be published in the Virtual Campus.