The subject "Master's Thesis" provides the practical components for the design and presentation, by the student, of an original research project, taking into account all the aspects that are relevant when considering a research project: the background and current state of the subject under study, the hypothesis and objectives of the work, the methodology to be used, the analysis of the possible results and their discussion, taking into account the specific literature.
The Master's Thesis will be assessed according to the criteria contained in the corresponding teaching guide, which will include at least the following: presentation and structure, clarity and relevance of the contents, originality and innovative nature, integration of competences and contents worked on in the master's degree, reflective nature and internal argumentation, use of specialised bibliography, quality of the oral presentation, confidence in the defence and, finally, use of communication support resources.
Specific assessment criteria
Master's Thesis teaching guide
The criteria for the evaluation of the Master's Thesis by the members of the examination board will be the following:
Formal aspects of the written work presented
- Correctness in the presentation of the document as a whole.
- Correctness in the presentation of the bibliography and annexes (if any).
- Quality of written expression.
Aspects relating to the content of the Master's Thesis
- Originality and innovative character, with special consideration to the non-existence of plagiarism.
- Interest and transcendence of the subject matter.
- Existence of clear objectives.
- Structure of the dissertation: development scheme with internal logic.
- Clarity and relevance of the contents.
- Reflective nature and internal argumentation.
- Use of specialised bibliography.
Aspects related to the defence of the Master's Thesis
- Well-structured and well-argued presentation.
- Quality of oral expression and confidence in the defence.
- Confidence and precision in the debate with the examining board.
In view of the Tutor's report, which will not be binding, the grade for the Master's Thesis will be obtained as the arithmetic mean of the scores of the three members of the examination board.
If the grade Master's Thesis is higher than or equal to 9, the examination board may decide to propose the student to be Graded with Distinction. The Master's Thesis Distinction will be decided once all the defences of the academic have taken place.